
Saturday, June 2, 2012

     Good afternoon from the Hideaway, and welcome to our blog.  Rain is falling steadily from the heavily laden sky.  The wind whips the rain sideways, and shakes great torrents from the tree branches.  The tall grass in the yard is bent low under the onslaught.
     The horses, hounds and husband were fed and watered.  Marina went out to play for a couple of hours, but is now snug in the barn.  The hounds didn't want to go out at all this morning.  Not that I blame them.  I fed the horses, then crawled back into bed for an hour, before making eggs, fried potatoes, and coffee for breakfast.
     I'm at work now, but wish I was home with my sweeties.  There's nothing like the sound of rain on the roof to make one feel cozy. 

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading your posts! And I immediately recognized the horse and rider in the logo ;)
