
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Good evening from the Hideaway 7/28/2012

     It is a peaceful evening so far in the Hideaway.  We are awaiting the arrival of possibly severe thunder storms...mind you there is nothing on the radar as of yet...we shall see.  Anyway, all the stalls are done, and all the outdoor work is finished for the day.
     Tony and I have just finished a wonderful supper, and are relaxing with glasses of red wine and New Hampshire Chronicle.  The horses, hounds and husband have been fed and watered, and are settled for the evening.  We wait...
     One of the wonderful points of my newest Black and Tan Coon hound Nutmeg, is that she is teaching my older Coon Hound Ginger (who is terrified, I mean piddle on the floor Terrified) of thunder storms to be angry and bay and growl and bark at them when they visit the Hideaway.  Recently, Ginger has remained contained and continent during storms, but then we don't get the storms like I remember from my child hood.  We used to get some real "hum dingers" as my dad used to call them.  We used to get "real old fashioned" snow storms as well.  How many of you folks remember meteorologist Don Kent from WBZ channel 4?  Tony remembers during the Winter of 1969 when Don Kent forecast partly cloudy weather...24 hours later, we were shoveling 36 inches of partly cloudy.  We've come a long way in weather forecasting since then...or have we?  We had two three foot storms within a week that Winter, though they are never mentioned.  My suggestion for the evening is; make sure your dogs have been toileted, your laundry brought in, your car windows closed, your horses tucked safely into the barn, and to keep a weather eye to the sky in  New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and New jersey...just in case.
     For now, all is quiet on the Western Front.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good evening from the Hideaway 7/22/2012

     It has been a wonderful day of sunshine and memories here at the Hideaway.  The sun has set, the horses, hounds and husband are fed watered and settled in for the night.  The fireflies are dancing in the brush along the edge of the driveway, and the mourning doves are cooing from the Spruce trees behind the house.
      Tony has spent  most of the day putting pictures and one video up on the Hideaway Meadows page.  I have spent most of the day working on my book.  What a wonderful way to spend a restful Sunday afternoon.
      It is a peaceful, mild evening.  All is quiet on the western front.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Good morning from the Hideaway 7/21/2012

     It is a gorgeous morning in the Hideaway.  The air is clear and cool, everything is covered with glistening dew drops, and the world is quiet.  Not quite 7:00am, and the horses and hounds have been fed, the horses are grazing quietly in the warm early morning sunshine. 
     The hounds just came in from the yard and are speckled with dew from the long grass.  They, at the moment are romping around the house playing...They bounce around like big furry balls and chase each other...up the stairs, into the bedroom, down the stairs around the living room, through the kitchen, under the table, over the couch, around and around, tails wagging, paws flying, long droopy hound ears flapping, tongues hanging out, and eyes shining.  They are such a joy in my life.
     I gave them both a bath two nights ago (They had once again gotten into the dreaded poison ivy). Their coats are shiny and soft.  They will get a drink of fresh cold well water now, and go back up to bed.  It's a tough life. If I had to come back in another life, I would want to come back as a dog, owned by me. All my dogs have been rescues...what amazingly wonderful companions.
     We are hoping to do some bicycling today.  It's a beautiful day for being out doors.  Well, I have just finished my first cup of tea of the day, and look forward to the day's adventures.
     All is quiet on the western front.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Good evening from the Hideaway 7/18/2012

     We survived the rambunctious weather of this afternoon, and the air has begun to dry out a little.  The barn is abuzz with activity, as folks have come out from their air conditioned shelters.  There are a few high cumulus clouds decorating the dusky sky.  I hear laughter echoing from the indoor arena, and lively conversation from the main barn.  
     The sky is a soft lilac with peach and pink undertones.  The clouds in the east are a soft gray.  The sky peeking through is pale turquoise.  
     My daughter and her three children; Five year old Jake, almost three year old Lila, and almost one year old Isabella just left.  I need a nap!!  I remember when I was a child and the "older folks" would say "I wish I had her energy." Now I am one of the "Older folks" and I say "What I wouldn't give for their energy."  
     We had an American classic for supper;  Chicken nuggets and mac n cheese, with a glass of red wine of course for the adults, and plenty of sweet and fruity Popsicles for dessert.  
     I am getting ready for bed.  Soon all will be dark and quiet in the barns, and the yard will be left to the peepers and the fireflies.  Wishing everyone a peaceful night.  
     All is quiet on the western front.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wisdom 7/17/2012

Our world and our lives have become increasingly interdependent, so when our neighbour is harmed, it affects us too. Therefore we have to abandon outdated notions of “them” and “us” and think of our world much more in terms of a great “US”, a greater human family.

Dalai Lama

Good evening from the Hideaway 7/17/2012

     Every now and then we can hear the rumble of distant thunder.  It appears that our neighbors to the north are being pummeled.  No sign of anything here...yet.
     The robins, cardinals and cat birds are singing their bedtime songs.  The mourning doves are cooing in the spruce trees behind the house.  We are all safe inside if it does decide to storm.
     I just did my night barn rounds and all is peaceful, and secure.  "Putting the farm to bed" I call it.  I can see the storm that is making the racket.  I would estimate Portsmouth is getting it now.
     The fireflies are already dancing along the treeline, and appear as thousands of glittering diamonds.  There is so much beauty in nature.
     I'm relaxing with a glass chilled red wine and some fresh cherries as I write.  It is going to be a warm and humid night.  Thunder tomorrow, with some drying of the air.
     All is quiet on the western front.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Good evening from the Hideaway 7/16/2012

     It is a hazy, hot and humid evening in the Hideaway.  We are keeping a close watch on the horses, and hounds in such heat.  There is a nice breeze however.  I hear rumored that tomorrow will be even hotter.  
     One can survive extreme heat for long periods of time IF they are careful to hydrate.  So remember folks...lots of water all day long, punctuated with juices, and fresh fruit to replenish as you are able, and keep an eye on pets and livestock, providing fresh water and shelter.
     Crisp, cool garden salads, chilled fruit salads, old fashioned potato salad and assorted pasta salads will be our fare in such weather.  Keeping shades, blinds and drapes closed to the sun will help keep your home cooler.
      In the mean for the nightly dance of the fireflies, listen to the evening symphony of song birds, and enjoy your evening.
     All is quiet on the western front.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good morning from the Hideaway 7/15/2012

     It's a beautiful morning in the Hideaway.  The sun is bright in the summer blue sky.  We have a cat bird singing so sweetly in the walnut tree by the outdoor arena.  They sing with such exuberance.  He or she sounds so delighted with everything.
     The woodchucks and bunnies were out feasting on dew covered clover this morning when I went out to feed the horses.  All was peaceful.  I have done my stalls already, before the heat of the day, and am back in the air conditioned house enjoying my second cup of tea.  It's my birthday today and I am thankful for the gift of this life, and to my parents or putting up with me over the last __ years.
     The hounds have been fed and out, and are snoring peacefully on the living room floor.  The plants have been watered and we are all ready for the day.
     All is quiet on the western front.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Certifiable? 7/14/2012

     The hounds are always growling and baying at the wildlife around the house, and Tony and I are always shushing them.  Nutmeg was up in the living room window when she spotted something out there in the yard.  She gave a deep, low, long growl and all the hair stood up on her back....all the way to her tail.  I got up to see what was vexing her, but saw nothing...nonetheless I growled too...deep, low and long....the look on Nutmeg's face was precious.  Her whole back end started wagging, and she gave me a look like "Impressive".  Then went back to growling and bristling....there we were, both hounds and myself staring out the living room window, and growling at nothing...if my therapist could see me now.  

Happy Bastille Day everyone!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Wisdom 7/8/2012

"Gaining mastery over our destructive propensities, through the exercise of awareness and self-discipline with regard to our body, speech, and mind, frees us from the inner turmoil that naturally arises when our behaviour is at odds with our ideals. In place of this turmoil come confidence, integrity, and dignity - heroic qualities all human beings naturally aspire to."

Dalai Lama

Good morning from the Hideaway 7/8/2012

     It is a sparkling fresh morning in the Hideaway.  The air seems cooler and clearer, and the world is awash in sparkling dew drops.  The summer days are full of sunshine and the nights are filled with fireflies.  What a magical world we live in.
     The horses have been fed and watered and are munching peacefully on their hay.  The hounds have been fed and are relaxing on the deck.  I will attempt to...drum roll please...mow the lawn today.
     My three tomato plants are blossoming.  I hope to have red ripe tomatoes by the end of August...fingers crossed.  There is nothing on earth like a sun warmed, red ripe tomato, freshly picked from the vine. Mmmmmm.
     Do they still ring the bell at West Congregational Church up the street?  I haven't heard it for years.  It used to be rung precisely at 9:00 on Sunday mornings. I'll have to listen this morning.  It was always, I thought, a distinctly New England sound, echoing from that white steeple.
     I'm thinking scrambled eggs with cheese and onions for breakfast this morning, toast and hot coffee.
Happy Birthday to Katie and Frank.
All is quiet on the western front.