Every now and then we can hear the rumble of distant thunder. It appears that our neighbors to the north are being pummeled. No sign of anything here...yet.
The robins, cardinals and cat birds are singing their bedtime songs. The mourning doves are cooing in the spruce trees behind the house. We are all safe inside if it does decide to storm.
I just did my night barn rounds and all is peaceful, and secure. "Putting the farm to bed" I call it. I can see the storm that is making the racket. I would estimate Portsmouth is getting it now.
The fireflies are already dancing along the treeline, and appear as thousands of glittering diamonds. There is so much beauty in nature.
I'm relaxing with a glass chilled red wine and some fresh cherries as I write. It is going to be a warm and humid night. Thunder tomorrow, with some drying of the air.
All is quiet on the western front.
Your farm is so peaceful and beautiful. It's lovely to be able to experience it, not only in person every day, but through your posts when I'm not there. Thank you!