
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Good evening from the Hideaway 7/28/2012

     It is a peaceful evening so far in the Hideaway.  We are awaiting the arrival of possibly severe thunder storms...mind you there is nothing on the radar as of yet...we shall see.  Anyway, all the stalls are done, and all the outdoor work is finished for the day.
     Tony and I have just finished a wonderful supper, and are relaxing with glasses of red wine and New Hampshire Chronicle.  The horses, hounds and husband have been fed and watered, and are settled for the evening.  We wait...
     One of the wonderful points of my newest Black and Tan Coon hound Nutmeg, is that she is teaching my older Coon Hound Ginger (who is terrified, I mean piddle on the floor Terrified) of thunder storms to be angry and bay and growl and bark at them when they visit the Hideaway.  Recently, Ginger has remained contained and continent during storms, but then we don't get the storms like I remember from my child hood.  We used to get some real "hum dingers" as my dad used to call them.  We used to get "real old fashioned" snow storms as well.  How many of you folks remember meteorologist Don Kent from WBZ channel 4?  Tony remembers during the Winter of 1969 when Don Kent forecast partly cloudy weather...24 hours later, we were shoveling 36 inches of partly cloudy.  We've come a long way in weather forecasting since then...or have we?  We had two three foot storms within a week that Winter, though they are never mentioned.  My suggestion for the evening is; make sure your dogs have been toileted, your laundry brought in, your car windows closed, your horses tucked safely into the barn, and to keep a weather eye to the sky in  New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and New jersey...just in case.
     For now, all is quiet on the Western Front.

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